Was das Licht daran hindert (What hinders the Light) (Detail) / 2014 / photography, collage / 37 x 27 cm / Show: Viennafair / Herbst 2014 / Messe Wien, Vienna
For a minor art 1) It haunts our heads, even more than fills our speeches, locally and in time: the form of life. How could she become a ghost, so far away from what she means: life in shape?

The Brooklyn Bridge / 2010 / Fragments of the Brooklyn Bridge New York, framed / 26 x 32 x 3 cm / Show: Present Future, Torino

la frantumatricossa cubitale (the giant broken matrix) (Detail) / 2011 / headlines, wood, laquer, metall / Various sizes / Show: Present Future, Artissima / Torino