statue 112: the passenger / 2003 / wood, wire, papermaché, emulsion paint, varnish / 490 x 520 x 240 cm / Show: KONTEXT, FORM, TROJA / 18.09. 16.11.2003 / Secession, Vienna
This monument emanated from the promising context of its existence. True to the exhibition’s title, one felt allowed to face the challenge of intrusion, celebration even (the Secession). (The result is only the seemingly obvious). Who is afraid of an excess of referentiality? The question was obvious, whether references threaten to expire to bare information. Where else but in the Secession may one question the autonomy of the form, horribly large. Not to be missed: is the completeness of the drama of the one who claims to be incomparable and ALL THAT!
* You have material power. They possess this material power because of the selfactivity of the people that grow them. Like magnets or the 13th feet in the fairy tale of the Sleeping Beauty, they unleash a willful activity that is the opposite of Pavlov’s reaction, vivid counterproduction, self achievement. If they arbitrarily do so, they are tearing something alive around, just as Achilles does with the murdered Hector, whom he pulls through the dust around the walls of Troy. That was meant to be cannibalistic, from the heros side. He wanted to assimilate the enemy in ways other than eating him. (Alexander Kluge 1985)

statue 112: the passenger / 2003 / wood, wire, papermaché, emulsion paint, varnish / 490 x 520 x 240 cm / Show: KONTEXT, FORM, TROJA / 18.09. 16.11.2003 / Secession, Vienna
Maybe what you are really asking, is whether meaning itself is an object.
Is our subjectivity linked to this object in such a manner that the
object (meaning itself) becomes meaningless if separated from subjectivity?
We have nothing if not for names. Memories are the architecture of our identities.
Being unique, being myself. I think it is sufficient to believe in ourselves, to be strong and kind.
You are a sum of all that you have felt and continue to feel.
We don’t think of owning thoughts the same way we own actions or emotions; the latter allows for the subject to determine the process of thinking
rather than the object of thought (in this case, the creation of meaning).
If we are to truly explore the nature of reason, there is no subject at all after a point.
You always know the answers to the questions in your head.
You just need to listen to yourself. Believe in yourself. You love and will be loved.
Is truth an unexplored and unachievable ideal –
something that can be thought of but can never be known?
Is there still a chance to act in this world?
What hope exists, if at all, individually