Keiner will sie geschenkt, sie muss sich also verkaufen! (Nobody wants her for free, therefore she has to sell herself) / 2010 / metal sheet, cans, tiles, wood, papermaché, fabric, plaster, cardboard, costume, sound device, speakers, cabel, microphone / various sizes / Show: Nobody wants her for free, therefore she has to sell herself / 15.02. 15.04.2007 / Kunstverein Salzburg
The denial rejects the hierarchy of values built with the body and the resulting needs. Every need (“demand for goods”) is an expression of intimidation and submission, and in any case [always] an inadequate formulation of affects. So the most urgent thing is the awakening of this fundamental disagreement, to make the body construct feel like a place of struggle, as a compromise as well as a work. [The most urgent thing, therefore, is to uncover this fundamental disagreement in order to transform the body construct (or perhaps the body as a construct) into a place of struggle (or: to make it a place of struggle, or as a place of struggle to be able to perceive) as a compromise as well as a work] *
*Text of the invitation card with suggestions for improvement by the linguist Viola Schmitt.