no need to wash the cock’s head. he will never understand / 2014 / wood, feathers, string, metal, hinges / 110 x 84 x 28 cm / Show: The Generosity in Joyful Limitations: 3 Dimensions Only / 22.06. 07.09.2014 / Blackbridge Offspace, Beijing
Nowadays, defining concepts no longer help us understand anything. The symbols and concepts around us are like waves on the ocean, some rise, some fall.
The theme of this exhibition is sculpture. But do these works seek to overturn traditional notions of sculpture or do they attest to the fact that sculpture has already lost any concrete meaning? The artists don’t seem interested in any of this.
These seemingly innocent objects are personal experiences that artists have materialized through concrete artistic processes. They are performative tokens crafted under the inescapable burden of conceptual cognition. (Liu Xiaohui, Anna Hofbauer 2014)

Units of Measuring ‘Amount’
The weight of an elephant is a world apart from that of an ant, but the amount and frequency of the ant’s steps is also a world apart of those of the elephant. Here notions of ‘amount’ are like those of ‘labor’, measured in the density within units of surface, or in even more abstract definitions. Besides the obvious measurements of weight and dimension, what comes to mind is the amount of thought, the amount of accumulated time, ballsiness, and intensity. Weightier than Mount Tai, as light as a feather all metaphors for amounts, carrying along value orientations. The methods of measuring ‘amounts’ are in the concept, in the eye of the beholder.
(Liu Xiaohui 2015)

Heimkehr (Homecoming) / 2015 / Oil on canvas and found object / various sizes / Show: The Generosity in Joyful Limitations: 2 Dimensions Only / Summer 2015 / Blackbridge Off, Beijing