29.12.2013, 16:04, Galata Bridge two events collide: the object of study (the countless variations of the wooden brackets that are used by the fishers on the Galata Bridge in Istanbul, which were shot for days in evenminded activity) was captured at the very moment the caught fish crossed the frame.
And then…we shared a vision. What if the bridge would not connect from here to there but would transform (itself and maybe us) into a form of circulation? How would we connect. And see.

Die Krone der Verschwägerung (The Crown of Alliance) / 2014 / MDF, iron, plywood, cardboard, pencil, hinge, screws / 24,5 x 77 x 77 cm / Show: Misha Stroj / 17.01. 08.03.2014 / Kerstin Engholm Galerie, Vienna