Warenhaus 1 (Department Store 1) / 2007 / papermaché, decor paper / 72 x 38 cm / Show: Hungrig macht, was köstlich war (Hungry makes, what Delicious Was) / 11.07. 18.08.2007 / Galerie Lendl, Graz
The department store, the department store, a real name and a Kraft. And inside: a practical alliance of the people who invent a new discipline, where did I read it? Those who have nothing! But have the passion of ideas. That’s how I read it. The course of things will be different then.

Warenhaus 2 (Department Store 2) / 2007 / papermaché, decor paper / 72 x 38 cm /
Show: Hungrig macht, was köstlich war (Hungry makes, what Delicious Was) / 11.07. 18.08.2007 / Galerie Lendl, Graz
Do not forget the moral duty that man has confronting the citizens, the occupants of his body. He is a complicated star of bones. The human consciousness, the government of these citizens, must not forget that human happiness is a sack filled with the grains of sand from the happiness of its subjects. Let us remember that every human hair is a skyscraper with windows …
(probably Chlebnikov)