Selbsthebetraum (Dream of Lifting Yourself) / 2005 / foam, fabric, string, wood / 33 x 50 x 42 cm / Show: eine staubige landstrasse, dann saftiges grün (a dusty country road, then some juicy green)/ 14.08. 16.10.2005 / Villa Merkel, Esslingen

In the Villa Merkel a role was taken at times: the memorization of the words of Schiller’s Rauberhauptmann – was made to leave some marks. Helpful was the lush Collection of the house. We became a body. Of text. And tried to share the experience. In the form of our bodies that may not forget. But pass.

Meine Aussicht (My Perspective) / 2006 / wood, MDF, chipboard, fabric, bycicle tube, varnish / 174 x 82 x 76 cm / Show: eine staubige landstrasse, dann saftiges grün (a dusty country road, then some juicy green) / 14.08. 16.10.2005 / Villa Merkel, Esslingen

Auch das Gartentürchen (Also the Garden’s Door) / 2005 / wood, string / 51 x 184 x 7 cm /
Show: eine staubige landstrasse, dann saftiges grün (a dusty country road, then some juicy green) / 14.08. 16.10.2005 / Villa Merkel, Esslingen